Top 10 Most Murderous Dictators

Dictator Deaths Caused
1) Joseph Stalin 43,000,000
2) Mao Zedong 38,000,000+
3) Adolf Hitler 21,000,000
4) Khubilai Khan 19,000,000
5) Hideki Tojo 10,000,000+
6) Chiang Kai-shek 10,000,000
7) Leopold II 10,000,000
8) Genghis Khan 4,000,000
9) Vladimir Lenin 4,000,000
10) Pol Pot 3,000,000
At this point,
many religious folks like to point out that the top
two were atheists, which obviously means that atheism
is evil, corrupt, immoral, and leads to atrocities.
That's like saying the top two didn't believe in
Santa Claus and this is solid proof that denying the
existence of Santa turns people into heartless
monsters who kill millions of their own fellow
citizens. What other things did the top two have in
common? You know what, I bet they didn't believe
that the moon was made of cheese. Clearly, the
denial of a cheese-moon is a dangerous, evil, corrupt,
immoral belief system that leads to atrocities!
I guess we better start teaching kids that the
moon is actually a giant sphere of provolone and
mozzarella, lest they grow up to become murderous