I Oppose the Majority of Anti-Discrimination Laws
You Don't Really Own Real Estate in the US
I Oppose the Majority of Anti-Discrimination Laws
I'm talking about laws that force business owners and employers to not discriminate. If you own a business, it is your private property. Therefore, much like your own home, you should have the right to decide who can and cannot enter and how people are to behave there. You can make a rule that says Mexicans must wear green pants and Jews must say "Scooby Doo" every five minutes. You can ban all black people if you want to, or all white people. No matter how discriminatory or absurd your rules are, you should have the right to impose them on anyone in your home. Why? Because it is your home, therefore you get to make the rules. If someone doesn't like your rules, they can simply choose to leave or not enter in the first place.
The exact same logic applies to your place of business, be it a grocery store, a restaurant, or a bar. Much like your home, it is yours, therefore you get to make the rules regarding who can and cannot enter, what kinds of things people can do, how people are to be dressed, how they are to behave, etc. You should also have the right to arbitrarily ban people from your place of business for any reason or no reason. If someone doesn't like these rules, they can leave.
If you're renting out a home, you should have every right to discriminate. Why should someone else dictate how you manage your real estate? It's the equivalent of someone telling you that under penalty of law, you must allow such-n-such guests to enter your home. That would be utterly immoral. Private property is the cornerstone of any civilized society and it must be respected.
You Don't Really Own Real Estate in the US
When you own some object or thing, you should be able to do with it as you please. You should have the right to use it, sell it, destroy it, stop other people from using it, etc. That is the definition of "ownership": the right to do with some object as you wish. If someone gives you a computer and says "This is now your computer. You own it. However, you're not allowed to let other people use it, you're not allowed to load Photoshop on it, you're not allowed to add a hard drive to it, and you're not allowed to use it after 8pm on weekends." then I will disagree with the idea that I own the computer. I'm merely allowed to use the computer. I certainly don't own it if I have to follow someone else's rules regarding what I may and may not do with it.
This is precisely the case with Real Estate. The government says that you "own" real estate property, but at the same time you're not allowed to do with it as you see fit. If you "own" a restaurant or grocery store, including the land and the building itself with no mortgage or any other debt, you should be able to make any rules you wish in this place of business, but you cannot. It is illegal for you to post a sign in the window that says "No Whites allowed" or "No Jews or Mexicans" or "Blacks are not welcome here". Sure, that's blatant discrimination but if it's my place of business on my land, I should have the right to discriminate against anyone for any reason, or no reason. Why? Because it's my land and my place of business. It's belongs to me. I worked for it, I paid for it, why should the government tell me how to run it?
Private vs. Public PropertyI oppose anti-discrimination laws on private property but I fully support anti-discrimination laws on public property. Private property is paid for by only one person or group of people, therefore only they should have the right to decide how to use it. Public property is paid for with tax dollars which are collected from everyone regardless of race and gender. Therefore, everyone should have equal rights to its use.
Speaking of race and gender, I noticed a double-standard: It's fully legal to discriminate against people by gender at a place of business, but not by race. For example, many gyms are female-only. The reason given is "Some women feel uncomfortable working out in a gym with men, because they don't want men staring at them or hitting on them." If feelings of discomfort are sufficient to justify gender discrimination in a place of business, why can't feelings of discomfort be used for racial discrimination? Why can't a black-only grocery store exist with the justification: "Some black people don't like shopping in the presence of whites. They feel uncomfortable, so whites are banned from our store." That's just as valid a reason as the female-only gym. Why is it okay to discriminate against customers on the basis of gender but not race?
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