absquatulate ab-SKWOTCH-el-ate 1. To depart in a hurry. 2. To die. 3. To argue.
animadvert To remark or comment critically, usually with strong disapproval or censure
apotheosis uh-pah-thi-OH-sis Exaltation to divine rank or stature
apotropaic apo-tro-PAY-ik intended to ward off evil
apterous having no wings
beldam BEL-dum An old woman, especially one who is considered ugly.
cachinnate KAK-eh-nate To laugh hard, loudly, or convulsively
callipygian kal-uh-PIH-jee-un adj. Having shapely buttocks
concatenate kon-KAT-en-ate combine several parts into one
confabulation 1. Informal conversation or chat. 2. Psych. To replace fact with fantasy unconsciously in memory.
dentigerous Having teeth
eleemosynary eh-lee-uh-MOS-inary 1. Dependent on charity.
esoteric Confined to or understood only by a particular group: esoteric interests.
euphonious you-FOE-nee-us Pleasing or agreeable to the ear.
exoteric adj. 1. Not confined to an inner circle of disciples or initiates. 2. Comprehensible to the public; popular
exsanguinate to drain of blood.
flavescent fluh-VESS-ent Turning yellow; yellowish.
foudroyant (foo-DRAW-yunt) adj. Dazzling or stunning in effect.
frippery 1. Pretentious elegance; ostentation. 3. Something trivial or nonessential.
fustigate FUSS-tih-gate 1. To beat with a club; cudgel. 2. To criticize harshly
hara kiri Ritual suicide by disembowelment formerly practiced by Japanese samurai.
hebdomadal heb-DOM-a-dal Weekly.
impecunious im-pik-YOU-nee-us adj. 1. Lacking money; penniless.
incarnadine 1. Flesh-colored. 2. Blood-red.
inchoative in-KOH-uh-tive adj. 1. Beginning; initial.
jejune jeh-JUNE Not interesting, dull. Childish. Lacking substance.
lachrymose LACK-reh-mose Weeping or inclined to weep; tearful. Causing tears.
loquacious talkative
lugubrious luh-GOOB-ree-us Mournful, dismal, or gloomy to an exaggerated degree
nettlesome causing irritation or distress
napiform adj. 1. Shaped like a turnip: napiform roots.
nullipara nuh-LIP-uh-ruh a woman who has never given birth
oppugn uh-PYOON To oppose or contradict.
osculation os-kyu-LAY-shun Kissing
ozostomia oz-uh-STOW-mia bad breath
polyphagia an excessive or pathological desire to eat
protomorphic Primitive in structure or form
physiognomy 1. The art of judging human character from facial features. 2. Facial features.
pulchritude PUL-krih-tood Great feminine beauty
quidnunc KWID-nunk A nosy person
quodlibet KWOD-lih-bet A philosophical issue presented for debate.
rapacious seizing by force or violence; extremely hungry; voracious
rutilant Bright red
rufescent Tinged with red.
sagacious Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness
salacious Stimulating sexual desire
salubrious Conducive or favorable to health or well-being.
sanguineous sang-GWIN-ee-us 1. Covered in blood. 2. Blood-red
sesquipedalian 1. a long word 2. Long and ponderous
sitophobia SITE-uh-FOE-bia An abnormal aversion to food.
teratoid grotesquely deformed
thaumatology the study of miracles
ululate UHL-yoo-late To howl, wail, or lament loudly.verisimilitude ver-ih-sih-MIL-ih-tude n. The quality of appearing to be true or real.
vituperative Using harshly abusive blame, disapproval, or criticism.
vomitory inducing vomit
xyster (ZIH-ster) A surgical instrument for scraping bones.