Pornography & Prostitution

Emotionally Healthy Porn

So-called "Sexual Objects"

Porn women have more power

Women want to exude sexuality


Violent Porn / Humiliation Porn

Snuff Films / Real Rape Videos


Emotionally Healthy Porn

I have yet to see an attractive woman speak out against pornography. I hate to insult the intelligence of anti-porn people, but it seems they are jealous of the attractive women who work in porn. Of course this is not a serious pro-porn argument so I'll won't dwell on it.

There are certain types of pornography that I defend without hesitation and other types that I'm undecided about. The type that I defend easily are films or images that show consenting adults happily doing what they're doing. It's what I like to think of as "emotionally healthy" porn. It's where a couple simply does their thing and both of them enjoy it, the way normal healthy sex should be.

So-called "Sexual Objects"

Some feminists claim that the aforementioned porn portrays women as sexual objects.  Meaning, attention is directed only at their physical bodies and nothing else. Yes this is true, and the same goes for male actors who are similarly treated. I'm not sure what feminists expect from a porno movie...  an immersive plot and Oscar-worthy acting? That's what normal movies are for.  Most consumers of pornograpy are men, and men don't care about plot, acting, or character development when they're watching porn.  They only care about sex and they'll fast-forward through any acting or dialogue, which is why it's deliberately kept to a minimum.

Porn Women Have More Power

Women who work in the adult industry generally have more power than men. Not only do they get paid more, but they also get to choose their sex partners. Men on the other hand, are treated like interchangeable units that perform a biological function. They're assigned to work with certain women and nobody asks them whether they want to or not. If a man doesn't want to do a sex scene with someone, he's quickly replaced because there are five guys waiting to take his place. So if anything, it's the men who are used as sexual objects. But so what? They consent to it. Just because you personally don't like something doesn't mean it should be banned. If you're an anti-porn feminist, please quit sticking your nose in other people's business. If consenting adults want to do something, let them.

Women Want to Exude Sexuality

Unless they're butch lesbians, extremely introverted, or religiously brainwashed as children, most teen girls will strive to be sexually attractive. They'll do everything in their power to heighten their sex appeal. They apply makeup, put on sexy dresses and skin-tight pants, douse themselves in perfume, read magazines on how to attract guys, learn sexy dance moves, etc. A 15 or 16 year old girl will often be very upset and even depressed if she's unable to turn heads and get male attention. Magazines like Cosmo and Vogue exist for that reason... to help girls exude more sex appeal and be more successful with the opposite sex. Every issue talks about places to meet guys, how to turn them on, what men like, or something of that nature.

Some feminists look down on such magazines because they supposedly teach girls that their self-worth is directly proportional to how sexy they are and what kind of man they have. These magazines, it is claimed, also distort a young woman's self-image. Every page features an absurdly thin air-brushed model with perfect skin, hair, lips, eyes, bust, and everything else. The subtle undertone is that this is how women ought to look. With such digitally-altered unrealistic goals, is it any wonder that some girls end up suffering from depression, anorexia nervosa, and low self-esteem?

The feminists who make such claims don't seem to realize that Vogue and Cosmo will not turn an otherwise emotionally healthy woman into one who cries herself to sleep every night because she doesn't look like a supermodel.  The women in the magazine are merely ideals to strive for and no where does anyone insinuate that unless you look like a model, you are worthless.  Having a perfect ideal to strive for is not a bad thing.  If a woman strives to be attractive, let the air-brushed models be her ideal even though she will likely never look that good. Similarly, if a man is striving to be a bodybuilder, let Arnold Schwarzenegger be his ideal even though he will likely never be that good.  If a woman is striving to be a talk show host, let Oprah be her ideal even thought she will likely never reach that level of fame and success.  There is nothing wrong with striving to reach some idealized state or goal.

The magazine Playboy is often attacked by anti-porn feminists. This magazine supposedly trains men to be aroused only by big-busted hot young blondes with absurd hip-to-waist ratios. Nonsense! Such an accusation reverses cause and effect. The reason Playboy features such women is because that is what men want. Playboy doesn't dictate to men what kind of women they should find attractive. The reverse is true: Men's sexual preferences dictate to Playboy what kind of women to photograph. Playboy is merely giving men what they want.


The oldest profession should be legal, provided the participants are consenting adults. If it were legal, all pimps would go out of business, as would all street-walkers. No one sells XXX videos on the street, do they? No one stops cars and offers drivers Playboys or Hustlers, do they? Of course not, because they are legal, so they are sold in special establishments. If prostitution were legal, there would be special houses for that sort of thing. Women would be assured safety and payment and men would be assured that the women won't rip them off. It's a win-win.

The Dark Side of Pornography and Prostitution

Violent Porn / Humiliation Porn

The type of porn that I'm undecided about is where the actors are consenting adults but they simulate rape, distress, fear, injury, torture, abuse, humiliation, or some other type of physical or emotional violence. On the one hand, they are consenting adults and are thus entitled to do whatever they wish with their bodies. On the other hand, violent porn feeds the sexual appetites of people who have a taste for that sort of thing, and who knows whether this will drive people to act out their violent fantasies in real life with unwilling victims? An argument in defense of violent porn is that it satisfies the needs and sexual fantasies of people who like that sort of thing, so they don't have to act them out in real life with real victims.

Personally, I loathe any kind of violent porn. I find it repulsive, but so what? I find gay porn repulsive as well, does that mean it should be banned? Of course not. However, the problem with violent porn is not merely that it's repulsive, but that the simulated violence and abuse is presented for the viewer's pleasure. Violent porn reeks of sadism, a trait commonly found in rapists and serial killers. However, it is created by consenting adults so I remain undecided.

Snuff Films / Real Rape Videos

Unfortunately there exists footage of actual rape, murder, torture, and similar violence inflicted on non-consenting innocent victims. The people who inflict this violence should be killed immediately if not sooner. I say this unapologetically because I have absolutely no tolerance for that sort of thing.

What about the videos themselves? Should they be legal? Of course I want to say no because they are repulsive to every fiber of my being, but consider what will happen if they're banned: Will videos of corporal punishment and executions by the Taliban similarly be made illegal? Will footage of Nazi concentration camps in WW2 be made illegal as well? What other historically-significant videos of horrible events will be banned? I suppose it depends on whether the footage is presented in a sexual context for entertainment or as a historical document of atrocities. If only historical videos of atrocities are legal, then some sexual sadist can amass a large collection of violent rape and snuff films and claim that he's maintaining it for historical accuracy. There's usually a clever way to weasel out of any ban on a particular type of content.

Ideally, we'd live in a world where there was no demand for violent porn, real or simulated. But given that we live in the real world where this problem exists, I must confess that I don't know how to address it.


A sex slave is a person, usually a girl or woman, whose "job" it is to get raped and sodomized against her will. She is a prisoner who cannot escape and she's severely beaten or gang-raped if she refuses to do her "job". Some women are also kept strictly as punching bags, for use by men who have pent-up anger and frustration against women.  These men are free to rape and beat women as viciously as they want, as long as they don't kill her.  In my opinion, people who kidnap, buy, sell, knowingly use, or trade sex slaves should be killed without hesitation. The only exception is people who buy sex slaves to liberate them. However, this creates a financial incentive for the trafficker to kidnap and enslave more girls.

Instead of law enforcement wasting money on stopping prostitution, they should be tracking and killing sex-traffickers and liberating their slaves.