Black people being "hunted" by the police
Racist Facts
In our sensitive, politically-correct American society, it is improper to say anything that some group may find offensive, even if you're merely stating facts. For example: When income and education levels are adjusted for, Asians have the highest IQ, with whites in second place, Hispanics in third, and blacks in last place. Some people will call those statistics "racist" even if the team conducting the IQ study consists of black and Hispanic professional statisticians. If facts of a racial nature are unpleasant to hear, they are automatically labeled "racist" by the people who dislike them. I'm a strong advocate of truth, not political correctness. If certain truths are unpleasant to hear, then we must accept them regardless. Silly made-up ideas like souls and heaven continue to exist precisely because many people are unwilling to deal with the finality and permanence of death. Such people sacrifice truth for the sake of emotional comfort. With some very rare exceptions, I will always value truth more than emotional comfort no matter how painful that truth may be.
Stereotypes exist for a reason: because more often than not, they're true. Asians are non-confrontational and do well in school but they are not very good at dancing. Blacks are good at sports and dancing but they tend to be angered more easily than Asians and they're not as successful academically or financially. Jews are successful academically and financially but they're not very cool. Such observations are usually labeled "racist" despite the fact that they are usually correct. At this point you might say "I know a black guy who has a Ph.D in physics and makes $250,000/year and I know an Asian guy who flunked math twice so your stereotypes are WRONG!" Such an objection would indicate an ignorance of the meaning of the word "stereotype". Stereotypes are not iron-clad laws that apply to every single person. There will always be exceptions when generalizing human behavior. Stereotypes are broad generalizations that are usually true.
Social Justice Warriors and other So-Called Anti-RacistsIt's quite ironic that the most vocal anti-racists (Liberals, Social Justice Warriors, Progressives, etc.) support privileges for black people on the basis of race only, which is the textbook definition of racism. Privileges such as United Negro College Fund, Affirmative Action (being given preference in hiring and school admissions to meet "diversity" quotas), special financial aid programs that help minorities only (apparently poor black people need a helping hand but poor white people do not). If you want to be treated as an equal, if you want there to be racial color blindness, if you want race to not be a factor when people interact with you, then do not claim that you deserve special treatment just because you're black. There are plenty of white people who were born into life circumstances as bad as (if not worse than) the average black person's and they don't get any special privileges or handouts. Also, you don't undo the racial injustices of the past by inflicting more racial injustice on people of the present. If anything, it will cause more bitterness and tension. In your personal dealings with people (friendships, relationships, common courtesy with strangers, etc.) act as if there is no such thing as race and you will be treated with respect by those who are worth respecting.
Irrational Racism
Irrational racism is the kind that Martin Luther King Jr. fought against. It's the belief that a certain race is inherently undeserving of certain rights or respect. Hitler was irrationally racist as is the KKK, the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and anyone else who believes that all members of a certain race are less deserving of legal rights than another race. There's really not much to say on this subject since it's completely indefensible with no room for discussion. I only mention it here to condemn it.
Rational RacismWe humans are not immune to the classical conditioning discovered in animals by physiologist Ivan Pavlov. After repeated negative experiences with X, it is perfectly natural and normal for both animals and people to be averse to X. Such aversion is part of our built-in survival instinct that learns from bad experiences and avoids them in the future. When US troops invaded Vietnam, many of the local villagers were afraid of white men because whenever white men appeared, death and destruction followed. Were these Vietnamese villagers racist? Technically yes but their racism is completely normal and understandable because they've been conditioned by many negative experiences to fear white men. Similarly, if a woman's purse is snatched three times in the course of a year, and each time the thief is a young black male wearing a hooded sweatshirt, chances are she will be suspicious of all young black males in hooded sweatshirts even if she herself is black.
It's no secret that taxi drivers in New York City avoid black male passengers. Even black taxi drivers avoid them. Are black cabbies racist against themselves? I don't think so. It's a simple matter of self-preservation. When a cabby hears story after story of his fellow coworkers being robbed and murdered by black males, it is perfectly natural for the cabby to be suspicious of all black male passengers even though most of them pose no threat. Again, this is just our natural self-defense instinct at work and this kind of racism is natural, understandable, and forgivable.
When the New York City media is saturated by reports of violent crimes such as murders, robberies, home invasions, assaults, and rapes, and the suspects' faces are on every channel and newspaper, and the overwhelming majority of these suspects turn out to be black, one doesn't have to be a bad person to become racist in such an environment. Negative stereotypes about black men don't just appear out of thin air; they arise from repeated negative experiences. A normal person who is open-minded and unbiased can move to Brooklyn for a number of years and if he lives in certain neighborhoods, he'll emerge very biased as a direct result of his experiences. This person will become racist through no fault of his own.
Martin Luther King, Jr.I praise MLK for standing up to white authority at a time when black people had less rights than dogs (in 1955 dogs with white owners could sit at the front of the bus yet Rosa Parks and other Black people couldn't.) MLK advocated non-violence and equality in his I Have A Dream speech, which I support. I suspect he had a self-sacrificial spirit because he started a civil rights revolution and it is well known that people who start revolutions rarely live to see the fruits of their labor. Gandhi, Che, and Joan of Arc also come to mind.
"African-American"The construction of the term "African-American" is as follows: continent of origin (dash) continent of residence. American blacks originated in Africa and currently live in America so they are African-Americans. Okay that's fine, but to be consistent Egyptians and Libyans who live in Mexico would also have to be called African-Americans. And I'm no longer white, I'm European-American. Aboriginal people in Saudi-Arabia are Australian-Asians and people from India who live in Colombia are Asian-Americans. Is all this continent naming absolutely necessary?
The Blame GameThere's a great book called "Ten Things You Can't Say In America" by black intellectual Larry Elder. It should be required reading for anyone who has anything to say about the plight of Black Americans. I agree with Mr. Elder's opinions and conclusions. He says that today, the problems that plague the Black community are largely of their own making. The biggest problem is the lack of fathers in the home. For some reason most black men abandon their kids. As a result, most black children are raised by single mothers (77.3% as of 2015, source: cis.org). Although racism can still be an obstacle for the average black person, most of the time it's not, yet many Blacks use racism as a scapegoat for their failures. Those who live in prison or poverty will likely blame their situation on systemic racism. "The white man is keeping us down!" is their mantra. Why? Because it's emotionally comforting to blame someone else for your failures.
Jews and BlacksJews were robbed, enslaved, and butchered by the millions by Nazis, but just a few decades after WW2 they became one of the most successful and affluent people on the planet. Despite being only 2% of the Earth's population, they've won 20% of Nobel Prizes. [source]. Why is that? They were slaves just 75 years ago. It wasn't even one lifetime ago that they were oppressed, persecuted, humiliated, starved, beaten, tortured, hanged, burned, and gassed by the millions. Yet just twenty years later they became a productive, educated, and financially successful people. Why haven't black people done the same here in the US? Why do they continue to be on the bottom rung of American society academically, financially, and criminally? Is it all white people's fault again? Are evil racist whites keeping black people down via systemic racism?
Systemic Racism
On the subject of systemic racism, I will let Larry Elder speak again. He has some very cogent points.
Click here to see the source PDF used to make the chart above
In 2018, there were 547k crimes committed by blacks against whites. The media was silent on this. In the same year, there were 59k crimes committed by whites against blacks. The media was outraged. Why does the media focus only on white-on-black crime but turns a blind eye to black-on-white crime which happens NINE TIMES as often? The media's narrative is that whites are evil oppressive racists who constantly victimize poor innocent blacks yet blacks attack whites at 9x the rate than the other way around.Black people comprise 13% of the US population which means black males are half that or 6.5%. Yet black people are responsible for 52% of all murders and 53% of all robberies in the US and the overwhelming majority of those violent crimes are committed by men 16-35 years of age. This means that young black men, while being less than 5% of the US population, are responsible for more than 50% of all murders and robberies in the nation, more than all other races combined. It is not possible to explain this away with racist cops or racist laws. Despite being a small minority, young black males really do commit more violent crime than all other demographics combined. Poverty and lack of opportunities are not valid explanations because young white and Asian males in similar financial circumstances do not turn to violent crime at anywhere near the same rates that young black males do. So then what is the explanation? Why do young black males commit so much violent crime and disproportionately pack our prisons? That is not a rhetorical question; I would like you contact me and provide an evidence-supported explanation.
I live in a mostly white neighborhood and black people here are uncommon. When a black person shows up to a festival, movie theater, beach, park, concert, etc. they are not bothered. They are treated with respect like any other person. However, if a white person dares show up to a mostly black event in some city like New York, Atlanta or Baltimore, he will almost certainly be harassed, racially insulted, and often threatened or attacked somehow. It seems that the average black person in a black neighborhood is far more aggressively racist and prone to racial violence than the average white person in a white neighborhood.
Slavery was alive and well all over the world and especially in Africa long before the white man showed up there. When African tribes went to war with each other, the winners usually either ate or enslaved the losers. When white men from the United States arrived wanting slaves, they didn't have to chase anyone. They simply went to slave markets run by African blacks. White men bought black slaves from black slave masters who were happy to sell their captives into bondage. Why is this fact conveniently omitted from pop history of the slave trade? African blacks gladly participated in and profited from slavery in the US. Again, these facts are conveniently omitted from the history of slavery in the US. Also, Muslims bought and sold African black slaves far more than Americans ever did. Why are Muslims and Africans not held accountable for slavery? Why are only whites blamed?
There are several absurd lies being perpetuated by the race-baiting Leftist media, such as: It's dangerous to be a black man in the US, the police are hunting and murdering black men for sport, it's 'open season' on black men, police are routinely murdering black people and getting away with it, if you're black your life is in danger from the police, etc. Once again, Larry Elder speaks on the issue much better than I can. Also, Candace Owens has this wonderful speech on George Floyd. As a side note: I would vote for Larry Elder for US President in a heartbeat.
Black Men Being "Hunted" by the Police
For some reason, many young black males incessantly shower each other with a barrage of "yo nigga, wussup ma nigga, wuss wrong witchu nigga?" etc. If it's a hateful word, one wonders why they use it so much. We don't hear Jews greeting each other with "Shalom, you kike!" Why not? Obviously because that term is offensive. However, the black people who routinely call each other "nigger" somehow managed to turn that word into something neutral. Since such black people have a tendency to not articulate the letter "r" at the end of words, the word comes out as "nigga" which has come to mean "dude" or "bloke" in black urban slang. However, "nigger" remains an offensive insult because that's how white people say it.
Some will say that context is important. How the word is used is more important than the word itself. Observation: Even when a black man calls another black man "nigga" in a hateful manner, no one seems to mind. Yet no matter how a white man uses this word it's always considered a bad thing by both races so it seems that context is irrelevant. Even if a white person is merely quoting rap lyrics written by a black man, there will still be raised eyebrows and accusations of racism for daring to utter "the n-word". As I mentioned in the "Offensive Rants" section, telling someone they are not allowed to do something only because of their race is an excellent example of racism. Both black and white people tend to be racist in this regard because they think it's okay for black people to use the word routinely in a casual manner, but even one utterance in any context by a white person is unforgivable.
A certain definition of "nigger" that I agree with was popularized by black comedian Chris Rock. He has a rant called "Black people vs. Niggaz" where he unapologetically explains the difference between decent, respectable black people and lazy, ignorant, aggressive, criminally-prone hoodlums, whom he calls "niggaz". I agree with Chris Rock completely and I'm glad black people who think like him exist.
After reading this article, many people would label me racist but truth be told, I don't care what race my friends and neighbors are as long as they're friendly, responsible, well-mannered, honest people.